Catherina Lee & Ivan Valentin Hollup Roald

© A. Carlsen

Songs for Peace / Harmony in Dissonance

Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2024
18:30 – 19:30
Währinger Park 1180
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Sprache: englisch
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Songs for Peace / Harmony in Dissonance


Experience the captivating journey of "Songs for Peace/Harmony in Dissonance," an exploration of the intricate relationship between conflict and peace through the universal language of music.

Join the LEE/ROALD duo in their musical journey through this thought-provoking program. The works featured on this program start with Bach‘s inventions, written in the 1700‘s, to Holst, in the 1900’s to present day artists such as Kopachinskaja and Vasks.

Website von Catherina Lee

Violine: Catherina LeeCello: Ivan Valentin Hollup Roald

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