Emily Stewart, Mehdi Aminian, Avin Ahmadi & Haider Khan

© Maria Frodl

Roots Revival – Stories of Home

Samstag, 10. August 2024
20:00 – 21:00
Wasserturm Favoriten 1100
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Sprachen: englisch, Ohne Sprache, farsi, Andere Sprache
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Roots Revival – Stories of Home


Roots Revival – Stories of Home

"Roots Revival – Stories of Home" brings together Emily Stewart on Violin, Viola, and Vocals, Mehdi Aminian on Ney, Setar, and Vocals, Avin Ahmadi on Oud and Vocals, and Haider Khan on Tabla, harmonium, and Vocals. These four musicians, with backgrounds in Indian, Persian, Jazz and improvised music, are instrumentalists who also use their voices for individual storytelling. In "Roots Revival – Stories of Home" they play together for the first time, seeking to find common ground in the stories where the sounds meet, mix, and multiply. In summary, "Roots Revival – Stories of Home" is the encounter of four artists from different corners of the world, diverse genders, and age groups, all connected by storytelling.

Violin, Viola, and Vocals: Emily StewartNey, Setar, Vocals: Mehdi AminianOud, Vocals: Avin AhmadiTabla, Harmonium, Vocals: Haider Khan

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