Martina De Dominicis, Manuel Riegler & Evandro Pedroni


How to Enter A Stage

Tanz & Performance
#ChatGPT #Artificial Intelligence #
Donnerstag, 18. Juli 2024
18:30 – 19:30
Mortarapark 1200
zu Kalender hinzufügen
Sprache: englisch
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How to Enter A Stage

Tanz & Performance
#ChatGPT #Artificial Intelligence #

how to enter a stage

In “how to enter a stage” Martina De Dominicis, Manuel Riegler and Evandro Pedroni present a fluid and experimental performative format which features live and saved AI generated text, music and dance performance.

The idea came by giving Chat GPT the following prompt: “Tell the dancer how to enter a stage”

The hilarious result convinced us to hire Chat GPT as a dramaturg and ask him all our doubts in composing a successful theater piece. With a respectfully ironic eye to traditional theatrical rules that Chat GPT seems to comply to, the performers in turn will execute how chat gpt thinks the performance should start, develop and end.

artistic director, performer: Martina De DominicisPerformer, musician: Manuel RieglerPerformer: Evandro Pedroni

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